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Thank you so much for wanting to advertise your game on our site! To be eligible, there are a few criteria listed below which your work CANNOT contain.

Forbidden content

Note: We reserve the right to remove games at our sole discretion and without reason, even if they don't directly violate any of the rules stated above.

If your game does not directly contain or implies any of the above, then you're good to go!

Required information

Please fill out this form

Name of the game:

No formatting allowed but we try to preserve line breaks. HTTP Links will be automatically converted to be clickable.

Price in USD:
Set to zero if the game is free. If the game has a price range, enter the lowest price. You don't need to sell the game for USD, it's just that we display it this way.

Link to obtain the game:
The link must not require users to register if the game is free. Links that always point to the latest version are preferred.

The thumbnail should be 300x300 or it will be squished. Preferred format is PNG.

The image should be approximately 800 pixels wide. Don't add small text because the image is scaled down on small screens. Preferred format is PNG.

Check all that apply. If a desired tag is not available, use the note box below to suggest it.

If multiple apply, pick the one that contains the core gameplay mechanic. You can find descriptions of the categories below this form.

Your E-Mail address:
The E-mail is not published. It is only used in case we have questions regarding your submission.

Any other information you want to send us. This is not published anywhere. You can leave this box empty if you want.

Please check all the following boxes

Alphabetical list of categories